04 June, 2011

Camp Mays

I know that times are tough for everyone right now financially but if you have a few dollars to spare, Camp Mays could use the help!!
I would love it if readers could share this on their own blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.

As most of my readers realize, parents of students with severe autism face several challenges once school is out for the summer. Our county's extended school year only lasts three weeks which leaves almost two months where my students are at home. While summer break is, for most kids and families, full of opportunities and fun, that's not the case a lot of the time with my students. It is often difficult if not impossible for parents to find a babysitter or child care provider who is qualified and willing to care for some of my students so they have almost two months with no break at all from caring for their child - a child who requires constant active supervision. Additionally, my students' parents spend so much time, money and energy just providing everyday care for their kids that they often have little time, money or energy left over to do "fun" things.
In an effort to provide some respite for my students’ parents and provide some opportunities for "typical" summer fun experiences for my students over the summer months, a few years ago I began taking my students on day trips to places like White Water, Children's Museums, parks, etc. What has evolved has been dubbed “Camp Mays”. Last summer, I rented a van each week and took my students (along with several of my friends, family and coworkers who volunteered to help) to a movie, Jungle Jumpers, Stone Mountain, the Georgia Aquarium, and swimming. Some of my students' families may not have otherwise been able to provide these opportunities for their child. In the past I have funded “Camp Mays” almost solely from my own pocket – purchasing the admission tickets, renting the van, buying the gas, and buying lunch for each child and volunteer. Families do not have to pay anything at all for their child to be able to participate in Camp Mays. In each of the past two years I have spent over $3000 of my own money on Camp Mays. This year my husband is out of work so I am scaling down the activities and doing more free things (like swimming at a friend’s pool, going to the playground and park). I feel that these opportunities provide such a great service to my students and their families – mainly giving the parents a small break from the extreme demands that a child with severe autism present almost constantly and providing opportunities for my students to participate in fun activities just like other children. So even though I really can't afford it, I still want to go forward with Camp Mays this summer and am trying to find ways to do so.

100% of all money donated will go to van rental, gas, admission tickets, lunch and snacks for Camp Mays adventures.

If you would like to see some pictures of my students and our adventures, I invite you to visit our class blog at http://mrsmays.edublogs.org
Specific entries about Camp Mays can be found at the following addresses:


  1. I am a first-year teacher in the Phoenix area and I also have a self-contained autism class. WOW!! Thank you for sharing so many ideas, this is a great help to me! :) I am wondering how did you start Camp Mays?? Like as far as getting permission and everything from parents...I know that can be a tricky area. I think it is awesome that you take these kids out in the summer when it can be so difficult for parents to find time and support to do these things with their kids. I would love to know more about how you started this!

  2. Hi! I am a first year teacher in a self-contained autism classroom in the Phoenix area. I would love to know more about how you started Camp Mays (parent permission mainly...I know this can be a tricky area!) I think it is so great that you take these kids out who normally wouldn't get these chances and give the parents a break! :) I love this idea. If you could give me more info, I would really really appreciate it. Thank you so much for sharing all of your ideas. My first year has been a struggle, but I absolutely love what I am doing and want to be better at it. People like you really help! Thank you :)
